- fitness

Apples in a Bag

Hey Dolls,
Not sure about you, but I love me some apple pie! But with summer right around the corner, apple pie can’t come near these lips, lol. So here’s a quick  recipe to help you get past the apple pie cravings…
  • 1 small apple (Golden Delicious or Granny Smith are my favorite)
  • 1 packet of sweetener (Splenda is my favorite), or a spoonful of sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • Small handful of raisins, optional
  1. Peel or don’t peel apple, core, and slice or dice. Place in freezer-quality plastic zippered bag along with remaining ingredients.
  2. Seal bag, and shake well to mix ingredients.
  3. Reopen bag just a touch to vent. Microwave on High for 2 minutes – longer if you use a large apple.
  4. Carefully (it will be HOT and steamy) open bag, and pour contents over plain or cinnamon-sugar pita chips, flour tortilla chips, oatmeal or ice cream.
Nutrition Information (based on no raisins, unpeeled apples and artificial sweetener)
Serving size: 1 Calories: 59 Fat: .2 g Carbohydrates: 16.7 g Sugar: 11.0 g Sodium: 2 mg Fiber: 2.9 g Protein: .3 Cholesterol: 0 mg

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