- GIRL POWER, Wasidah's world

Don’t Be Afraid to Let Go of The Past

Hey, guys, it’s Wasidah, hope you’re having a great day (I am)! I was thinking about the past, and how we sometimes tend to hold on to situations and people for far too long at times, and how that can prevent us from seeing and accepting new situations and people whose paths we may cross. We tend to stay in familiar places and mindsets because we know the situation very well, whatever it may be, and have fallen into a ‘comfort zone’. . It’s always good to let the past be the past and open ourselves up to new situations, to get out of that comfort zone and try something that is completely unfamiliar to us and open ourselves up to new experiences and people–good surprises and new enlightenment may await! Sometimes God, the universe, whatever you want to call it works in our lives and lets us know that a situation or a person may no longer be working in our lives, no longer brings us happiness or fulfillment. By opening ourselves up to new experiences we might just find that there is something better out there waiting for us to discover.. Don’t be afraid to let go of the past and live in the now, which leads into an even brighter and more joyful future! Be blessed and always moving forward!   
                                                                                                      - XOXO, Wasidah

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