It’s Doula Week!

Guess what?! I happened to be delivering my second doula baby during this year’s World Doula Week. Perfect timing!

Never heard of it? World Doula Week begins annually on World Doula Day (March 22) and goes through March 28th. According to worlddoulaweek.com, “March 22 was chosen because it is the spring equinox, which represents the return of fertility in countless cultures.”

Created in 2011, World Doula Week is designed to empower doulas all over the world so they can improve “the physiological, social, emotional, and psychological health of women, newborns, and families in birth and in the postpartum period.”

Anyway, I’m still glowing from this most recent client birth. LOL!

All of my doula clients have inspired me to learn something during our journey together and this client was no different. What I love about her is that she reminded me to relax and go with the flow.

A number of things went wrong during our Labor Day delivery that definitely could’ve shaken her spirit but she remained calm and happy and humble and was even smiling the whole time.

Even after waiting, like, forever in the waiting room and the added stress of her son being sick, my client just focused on the excitement of her baby-to-be. When I started to get tense, I just looked at her and reminded myself to be calm.

I feel blessed that she allowed me to be a part of this experience and that I learned as much from her as she learned from me.