What’s In A Name?

I love meeting new people! Especially all of my doula clients. One of my current clients is Senegalese and, through her, I learned about a naming ceremony that is very unique.

In her culture, they don’t pick a name until a week after the baby is born. The father picks a name and then he tells the Imam (Islamic priest), who is the one who announces the name. Meanwhile, family and friends come by to see the child and interact with the family. The food was yummy– although I’m still not sure what I ate. LOL!

I really loved learning about this cultural practice because my new goal is to become an international doula .

I can’t lie, it threw me off that Baby girl came home from the hospital with no name but I got used to it. She was named Marima, which means, “gift of God.” Even better, the father named the baby for his sister– Marima’s aunt. The family was super happy and I had a great time– even though I was up all night the night before delivering another baby!