- fabulous

Six Spa Day Essentials

Six Spa Day Essentials

Most people think of a spa day as an occasional splurge but, honestly, I’ve come to realize that taking time to relax and rejuvenate is essential to living a happy and productive life. Here are a few of my must-haves to make each of my spa days are exactly what I need.

1. Wasidahā€™s Coconut & Coffee Body Scrub and Body Cream, $20 each
When I was in college, I didnā€™t have extra money to pamper myself with a spa day. My solution? I created my own body scrub and body cream to pamper myself at home! I made these products in my college kitchen and over the years I’ve perfected them. My main ingredients are coffee, which is good for cellulite, and coconut which aids in preventing wrinkles. Youā€™re welcome.

2. The Big Blue Bath Bomb Mind-Clearing Seaweed Soak by Lush, $7
Iā€™ve been using these inexpensive pampering products for a long time. Just drop one into a tub full of water and watch as it fizzes away into a beautiful blue color. I find itā€™s fragrance very relaxing and the funky color is soothing too– it looks like the ocean is in your bathtub. Anyway, the Bath Bomb is designed to soften skin and ease muscles with lavender and lemon oils. Yummy!

3. Fresh Face Mask Cupcake by Lush, $9.95
With the tagline, ā€œchocolate haven for oily skin,ā€ you already know this facial scrub is about that life. I swear every time I use it, it takes 10 years off my life. Iā€™m totally serious. Itā€™s described as a ā€œmattifying cocoa concoction,ā€ but all that really means is that it combines spearmint oil, vanilla and Rhassoul mud into a cleansing concoction. Oh, and, of course, cocoa. Rubbing chocolate on your face canā€™t be a bad thing.

5. Own Your Glow: A Soulful Guide to Luminous Living and Crowning the Queen Within by Latham Thomas, $14
Celebrity wellness and lifestyle guru, Latham Thomas penned this book about how to step into your greatness without losing your feminine spirit. Iā€™ve just started reading the book but, so far, I love that it offers suggestions while still encouraging you to adapt the methods for your life. Itā€™s full of tips, meditations and rituals designed to get your mind right and your glow up popping. I love it!

6. Morrisonā€™s Roxbury Rum Cocktail, Free!
Okay, Iā€™m typically a white wine kind of girl but Iā€™m dying to get my hands on some Roxbury Rum. Itā€™s a homemade cocktail that my friendā€™s dad makes. Itā€™s not for sale but my friend rarely shows up to any social gathering without a bottle of his familyā€™s hootch for people to try. So far, all I know is that itā€™s named for Roxbury, Massachusetts, it tastes like ginger and it packs a wallop. Everything a girl needs! Hmm, Iā€™m gonna have to invite him somewhere.
- XOXO, Wasidah

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