- Wasidah's world

Yes, I Still Train People! LOL!

People keep asking, “Hey, do you still do personal training or are you only a Doula now?” ??

The truth of the matter is, I had to take some time off from personal training to do some deep learning and put some of what I learned from MamaGlow to the test!

Plus, I decided to upgrade my training knowledge and become certified by NASM (the National Academy of Sports Medicine), which is one of the top personal training certifications in the world.

Becoming a doula was an important step for me, so I wanted to give it my full attention in the MamaGlow program. It taught me some unexpected lessons too, such as the need to have “clean boundaries” and how doing less is always more.??‍♀

All of which has helped me create a space of nurturing and love for my doula moms as well myself. Between writing papers and delivering babies, your girl been super busy! I pretty much have become obsessed with learning! Crazy when you think about the fact that I was always a lazy student. I’m not really sure how the switch happened, but I’m also a person who has to really feel her work. Reading books is great, and hearing someone describe how it is to be to in the delivery room is awesome, but I had to get deep down and dirty and experience it for myself.

It’s hard to believe that I was once terrified of blood and I hated needles– yet all of those feelings vanish when I’m supporting a doula mom. It’s all about her and me being there for her: mind, body, and spirit.

So, all that said … Yes! I am now ready to take on new personal training clients! I even have some new client prices, so if you’re interested DM me. Let’s do this! ??